AdBlock for Chrome: Block Pop-ups and Other Distractions

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2024


For some Chrome users, browsing the web isn’t that enjoyable. There are so many ads and distractions pulling your focus away from the content you want to view. Things like pop-ups, banner ads, ads that takeover your full screen, and even videos that follow you around as you navigate a web page. It’s time to say goodbye to these distractions and block pop-ups with AdBlock for Chrome!

Block Pop-ups with AdBlock for Chrome

The wonderful thing about AdBlock is that it’s easy to use. In just a few clicks, you can browse the web without annoying and intrusive ads.

All you have to do is:

  1. Head to from your Chrome browser
  2. …That’s it! Once you install the AdBlock extension, you’re blocking pop-ups and other ads.

In addition to blocking ads, AdBlock for Chrome can also reduce your exposure to malicious advertising. Malicious ads are those infected with malware — software that sneaks onto your computer in order to steal data and/or damage your device. There are many different types of malware, including viruses and spyware. Some ads contain malware, infecting your device if you click on them.

While AdBlock doesn’t specifically block malware, it does reduce the number of ads that appear in your browser. This makes it less likely you’ll click on an infected one.

You can block trackers with AdBlock, too! Ad trackers can be invasive as advertisers use them to collect information about you. This includes things like your age, location, hobbies and interests, browsing history, and purchase history. This information is then used to show you personalized ads with the hope that you’ll be more likely to make a purchase.

With the EasyPrivacy filter list, you can prevent ads from tracking your online activities by blocking the trackers advertisers use to know what sites you visit. If you’d like to learn more about subscribing to this filter list, you can find the instructions here. (Please note that using this filter list may cause issues on sites that rely on third-party trackers, like many banking sites do. You can typically work around that by adding sites to your allowlist, though this will unblock ads on those sites, too.)

Get Enhanced Pop-up Blocking with AdBlock Premium

If you want to get the most out of your AdBlock pop-up blocker, then we suggest giving AdBlock Premium a try. Our affordable Premium subscription gives you access to more features, including enhanced pop-up blocking.

With Premium, you can:

  • Block more distractions. Our Distraction Control feature allows you to block distractions like floating videos (those “sticky” videos that follow you as you browse), newsletter pop-ups, survey requests, and allow-site notifications.
  • Swap ads for fun images. With Image Swap, you can choose to see photos of nature, kittens, puppies, or even your own custom images instead of ads.
  • Customize AdBlock’s look and feel. With Themes and Dark Mode, choose the way you want AdBlock to look!
  • Sync your settings. You can take your custom ad blocking rules and settings across multiple devices.

With AdBlock for Chrome, you can take back control over your browsing experience. That’s because you can block pop-ups and other intrusive distractions. Not to mention, you can help protect against malicious ads and ad trackers. Want to give AdBlock a try? Head to to get started! And of course, reach out to us if you need anything at

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at