AdBlock: The Best Free Ad Blocker

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 16, 2024


The internet is chock full of unwanted and intrusive advertising. And it’s understandable that internet users are looking for a solution so they can enjoy a cleaner, simpler internet experience. That’s where ad blockers come in! We know there are many different ad blocking extensions available on the web, so what makes AdBlock the best free ad blocker? AdBlock improves your browsing experience by giving you the ability to block ads and trackers, customize web pages, and support a balanced web.

AdBlock Blocks Intrusive Ads and More

As far as pop-ups and other intrusive ads go, AdBlock has you covered. It blocks those annoyances the moment you install the extension. But did you know that AdBlock does more than block pop-ups?

Ad trackers are used around the web to collect your personal information. This includes data like age, location, browsing history, search history, online purchase history, and more. The data is collected in order to show you the most relevant ads to your interests, making it more likely that you’ll make a purchase. Ad tracking can come in handy (who hasn’t bought something they didn’t even know they needed thanks to an online ad?), but for those who prefer not to be tracked, there’s AdBlock.

With AdBlock, you can block trackers using the Easy Privacy filter list. This filter list blocks the trackers advertisers use to know what sites you visit. (Using this filter list may cause issues on sites that rely on third-party trackers, like many banking sites do. You can typically work around that by adding those sites to your allowlist. Keep in mind that allowlisting a site will unblock ads on the site as well.)

AdBlock can also reduce your chances of running into malicious ads as you browse. Malicious ads are those infected with malware — software that sneaks onto your computer in order to steal data and/or damage your device. There are many different types of malware, including viruses and spyware. Some ads contain malware, infecting your device if you click on them.

While AdBlock doesn’t specifically block malware, it does reduce the number of ads that appear in your browser. This makes it less likely you’ll click on an infected one.

AdBlock Customizes Web Pages

AdBlock puts you in even more control over your browsing experience with our manual hiding tool. This tool allows you to block parts of web pages you’d rather not see, even if it’s not an ad. For instance, maybe you’re not interested in “Who to follow” on X (formerly Twitter). Or perhaps the recommended stories on a news site are distracting for you. AdBlock’s manual hiding tool is just the thing to hide what you don’t want to see.

When you see something you want to hide on a page, follow these steps:

  1. Open the AdBlock Menu by clicking on the red stop sign in the upper right of your browser’s toolbar. (If you haven’t pinned AdBlock to your browser, open your browser’s extension list to find it.)

2. On the AdBlock menu, click Hide something on this page.

3. Click on the item you want to hide, and use the slider to make sure that you hide everything you want. As you move the slider, it blocks more of the page.

4. If the item is successfully blocked, click Looks good.

5. Click Confirm to confirm and save.

The next time you visit the page, AdBlock will remember what you’ve hidden. That means you can block an item once, and every time you visit that page, it will stay hidden.

AdBlock Supports a Balanced Web

We all know that publishers and content creators rely on ad revenue. In some cases, ad revenue is the difference between whether these creators can survive and continue making content. We believe that the internet is a delicate ecosystem that thrives on a healthy balance between users, publishers, and advertisers. That’s why AdBlock allows you to support your favorite content creators while blocking ads everywhere else on the web. All you have to do is add a site to your allowlist.

To add a site to your allowlist:

  1. Open the AdBlock Menu by clicking on the red stop sign in the upper right of your browser’s toolbar. (If you haven’t pinned AdBlock to your browser, open your browser’s extension list to find it.)

2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

3. On the left sidebar, click Customize.

4. Under Stop blocking ads, click the red arrow to open the text box.

5. In the text box, type the web address of the site you want to unblock ads on.

6. Click OK!

If you no longer want a site on your allowlist, you can always remove it. AdBlock will then resume blocking ads on that site whenever you visit.

AdBlock is the best free ad blocker because it puts you in control of your browsing experience. With AdBlock, you can block pop-ups and other intrusive ads, block trackers, avoid malware, customize web pages, and support content creators you love. Interested in giving AdBlock a try? Head to to get started and feel welcome to reach out to our support team if you have any questions. Just shoot them an email to

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at