Block Ads for a Better Internet Experience

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2024


Internet users are all too familiar with ads and distractions as they browse the web. These ads and distractions come in all shapes and sizes. There are pop-ups that cover your window as you browse, videos that play automatically and follow you around the screen, banner ads that interrupt the flow of your content, and more. Thankfully, you can have a better internet experience. All you need is AdBlock!

Block ads and additional pop-ups with AdBlock Premium.

AdBlock allows you to block ads the moment you install it! And with AdBlock Premium, you can block even more pop-ups while you browse the web.

Block Ads with AdBlock

AdBlock stops showing you annoying and intrusive ads once you install the extension. To do that:

  1. Head to
  2. …And that’s it! You’re now blocking annoying ads.

With AdBlock, you can also stay more safe on the web. That’s because AdBlock reduces your chances of running into malicious advertising as you browse. Malicious ads are those infected with malware — software that sneaks onto your computer in order to steal data and/or damage your device. There are many different types of malware, including viruses and spyware. Some ads contain malware, infecting your device if you click on them.

While AdBlock doesn’t specifically block malware, it does reduce the number of ads that appear in your browser. This makes it less likely you’ll click on an infected one.

Block Trackers with AdBlock

Ad trackers are all over websites when you browse. They collect personal information from users including things like age, location, browsing history, search history, and online purchase history. The purpose of these trackers is to show you ads you’re most likely to make purchases from.

AdBlock allows you to block ad trackers while you browse. With the EasyPrivacy filter list, you can prevent ads from tracking your online activities by blocking the trackers advertisers use to know what sites you visit. If you’d like to learn more about subscribing to this filter list, you can find the instructions here. (Please note that using this filter list may cause issues on sites that rely on third-party trackers, like many banking sites do. You can typically work around that by adding sites to your allowlist, though this will unblock ads on those sites, too.)

Block More Pop-ups with AdBlock Premium

If you’re serious about experiencing a better internet, then AdBlock Premium is the way to go. That’s because our Premium subscription allows you even more control over how you browse.

Here’s a little about what you can do with AdBlock Premium:

Hide cookie banners
Thanks to internet privacy laws, cookie banners are everywhere you browse. They’re those annoying pop-ups that ask you whether you’d like to accept or reject cookies on sites. AdBlock Premium allows you to block those pesky cookie banners, all while rejecting the unnecessary cookies you can.

Block more distractions across the web
Focus more on what you want when you block additional pop-ups including auto-play videos that follow you as you browse, newsletter pop-ups, survey requests, and more.

You can also…

Personalize your web experience
Replaces ads with images you love and choose from different themes for the AdBlock interface.

Sync your settings across devices
Take your custom ad blocking rules, settings, and allowlists with you wherever you browse.

If you’re looking for a better way to experience the internet, block ads and more distractions with AdBlock! It’s as easy as downloading the extension in one step. Of course, you can also try out our AdBlock Premium subscription and enjoy even greater control over how you browse. Give it a try and let us know what you think! And if you have any questions, our team is here to help at

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at