Does YouTube Seem Slow with AdBlock?

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2024


At AdBlock, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve the browsing experience for our users. This means we make regular updates to our extension to ensure we’re maximizing the number of ads and distractions we block for you. With our latest update published last week, some of our users began to experience a slowdown on YouTube and other sites across the web. This slowdown was due to a bug that caused performance issues for some users, including a lag when watching YouTube videos and browsing other websites.

We released a fix to the newest version of the AdBlock extension yesterday. The updated version of AdBlock is available in all the extension stores. As soon as users update AdBlock, any slowdown caused by this bug will be resolved.

For users that have automatic updates turned on (which is the default setting), your extension will automatically update as soon as it can. For those who intentionally have this setting turned off, you can manually update AdBlock by visiting the appropriate web store and reinstalling the extension.

We are always on the lookout for bugs and other ways we can improve the ad blocking functionality of our extension. And in this instance, we’re proud of our team coming together and quickly resolving this bug. We appreciate your support as we moved rapidly to fix this issue. Thank you for your understanding!

If you have any questions or need assistance with anything, our support team is always happy to help. Check out or Help Desk or feel welcome to shoot us an email at

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