How to Unblock Ads

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2022


Online ads are everywhere you look around the web. From banner ads to autoplay videos. From pop-ups to YouTube ads playing mid-content. It’s no wonder you’ve installed the AdBlock extension to block them! Yet, we know that there may be times you need to unblock ads. (Yes, we really did just say that.)

While browsing the web you may come across an ad wall — a prompt that asks you to turn off your ad blocker to access content. Or maybe you’d like to unblock ads because you want to support the content creators you love. After all, it’s no secret that some content creators on YouTube and Twitch depend on ad revenue to pay their bills. With AdBlock, you can easily unblock ads no matter the reason why.

To unblock ads on any site temporarily:

  1. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign in the upper right corner of your browser. If you don’t see it there, click the puzzle piece and it should be listed in a dropdown menu of your extensions.

2. Under Pause on this site, click Once.

3. The red stop sign will turn into a green thumb, but you’ll still need to refresh the browser page for pausing to begin.

Once you’ve finished reading your article or watching your video, you don’t have to do anything to turn AdBlock back on. When you navigate to another website or click on a different page on the same website, AdBlock will immediately start blocking ads for you again.

And if there’s a site that you frequently visit, you can add it to your allowlist. This means AdBlock will always unblock ads on that site.

To add a site to your allowlist:

  1. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign in the upper right corner of your browser. If you don’t see it there, click the puzzle piece and it should be listed in a dropdown menu of your extensions.

2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

3. On the left sidebar, click Customize.

4. Under Stop blocking ads, click the red arrow to open the text box.

5. In the text box, type the web address of the site you want to unblock ads on.

6. Click OK!

If you no longer want a site on your allowlist, you can always remove it. AdBlock will then resume blocking ads on that site whenever you visit.

To allow ads on a YouTube channel:

  1. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign in the upper right corner of your browser. If you don’t see it there, click the puzzle piece and it should be listed in a dropdown menu of your extensions.

2. Click on the gear icon to open the Options page.

3. On the General tab, select Allow ads on specific YouTube channels.

4. Restart your browser or refresh the current page.

5. Open a video from the YouTube channel you want to allow ads on.

6. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign again and select Allow ads on this channel.

And, to allow ads on a Twitch channel:

  1. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign in the upper right corner of your browser. If you don’t see it there, click the puzzle piece and it should be listed in a dropdown menu of your extensions.

2. Click on the gear icon to open the Options page.

3. On the General tab, select Allow ads on specific Twitch channels.

4. Restart your browser or refresh the current page.

5. Open the Twitch channel you’d like to allow ads on.

6. Click on the red AdBlock stop sign again and click Allow ads on this channel.

If you change your mind, you can remove a YouTube or Twitch channel from your allowlist any time. Just visit the channel page, click the AdBlock button in your browser toolbar, and select Unpause AdBlock.

We believe in your ability to control your internet experience, access the content you want, and support the creators you want. So while the AdBlock extension blocks annoying ads and pop-ups across the web, it also gives you the tools to unblock ads.

If you’re interested in giving AdBlock a try, head to from the browser of your choice. And if you run into any questions, we’re here to help at or via our Help Center.

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