Block Cookie Banners with AdBlock Premium

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2023


As an internet user, there’s no doubt you’re familiar with browser cookies. After all, thanks to current privacy laws, users are constantly seeing pop-ups that inform them about cookie usage on websites. While we love the intention of transparency and user choice, we also know that many users find these notifications distracting and downright annoying. That’s why we’re delighted to announce the release of our newest feature for AdBlock Premium users — Cookie Consent Cutter! With Cookie Consent Cutter, you’ll now be able to block those pesky cookie banners that plague the web.

Browser Cookies Collect and Store Data

Have you ever wondered what a browser cookie is? If so, we’ve got the answer for you. Browser cookies are pieces of code that are dropped into your browser when you visit a website. These cookies have various purposes. Some are used to keep the website functioning and store convenient data like your login information so you don’t have to worry about logging in every time you visit a site.

Others are used by advertisers to develop profiles of their users. Most often this information includes a user’s age, location, shopping habits, and other online behavior. These are often third-party cookies that belong to one of the website’s monetization partners. Third party cookies can be used across multiple websites and track your behavior almost anywhere you go.

Block Cookie Consent Pop-ups & Third-Party Cookies

With AdBlock Premium’s new Cookie Consent Cutter feature, you can say goodbye to those pesky cookie consent pop-ups when you visit websites. We’ll hide the pop-ups informing you about cookie usage on websites, and we’ll automatically reject any cookies that we can on your behalf while accepting only those that are necessary.

To block cookie banners with AdBlock Premium:

  1. Install AdBlock and upgrade to AdBlock Premium to access Cookie Consent Cutter.
  2. Open the AdBlock menu by clicking on the red stop sign icon in the upper right of your browser’s toolbar.
  3. Click on the gear icon to open Settings.
  4. On the leftside toolbar, click Premium Filters.
  5. Tick the checkbox next to Cookie Consent Cutter.

You’re now blocking cookie banners as you browse! By turning this feature on, you acknowledge that it hides tracking consent requests. By default, we block third-party trackers, though not first party trackers, which are exclusive to the website you may visit and important for your user experience.

We’re excited for you to give our new feature a try! Simply sign up for AdBlock Premium to start blocking cookie banners, and let us know what you think. We’re always happy to answer questions and receive feedback at

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