What’s the Difference Between AdBlock’s Products?

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2024


Dear AdBlock,

I’ve been looking for a way to block ads and stay safer on the web, and I came across your website. The thing is, I’m confused. I noticed you have a free ad blocker extension and that you also have a service called AdBlock Premium. What’s the difference between these? And how does AdBlock VPN fit into the mix?


Confused Carol

Hi Carol,

Great question! At AdBlock, we do have several products for our users, all of which serve to give folks a better internet experience. Let’s dive into each of them!

AdBlock (Free Ad Blocker Extension)

The AdBlock extension is a free browser extension. That means you can add it to the browser of your choice and begin blocking pop-ups and other intrusive ads immediately. Once installed, there are no settings or adjustments needed to make this work. You can simply set it and forget it!

To block pop-ups while you browse, all you have to do is:

  1. Head to getadblock.com from the browser of your choice.
  2. Download the extension. …and that’s it! You’re now blocking ads.

The AdBlock extension can also block more than ads. When you explore your settings, you can choose to block trackers, hide social media buttons, and even support content creators by adding sites you love to your own personal allowlist.

AdBlock Premium

With AdBlock Premium, users are able to have even more control over their browsing experience at an affordable price. You can personalize and enhance your ad blocking experience with these features:

  • Distraction Control: This feature allows you to say goodbye to newsletter pop-ups, floating videos, survey requests, and “allow site” notifications.
  • Cookie Consent Cutter: You know those pesky pop-ups that inform you about cookie usage? You can hide those pop-ups as you browse while we reject any third party cookies that we can on your behalf.
  • Custom Image Swap: What if instead of ads, you could see pictures of puppies? Or cats? Or beautiful landscapes? Or, better yet, your own images that bring you joy? With Image Swap, you can.
  • Themes: Choose what colors you’d prefer to see the AdBlock menu in.
  • Backup & Sync: Sync your ad blocking preferences across your browsers and devices.

To get started with AdBlock Premium, simply install the AdBlock extension and follow these instructions to upgrade.

AdBlock VPN

For starters, we should mention what a VPN actually is. A VPN (also known as a Virtual Private Network) creates an encrypted connection between your device and the internet. This means that all of your internet traffic, including your personal data, flows through this protected “tunnel” which allows you to browse the web more safely and privately.

With AdBlock VPN, you can browse the web anonymously and hide your IP address, connect more securely to public Wi-Fi, and access unblocked content based on location thanks to our servers located around the world. Additionally, we use the strongest level of encryption (AES 256-bit encryption for those really curious) and we don’t log your activity or store your personal information. You can also connect up to 6 devices with one VPN subscription!

So there you have it, Confused Carol. All of AdBlock’s products are designed to give you a better internet experience with fewer distractions and more privacy. Interested in giving one of these options a try? Check out the AdBlock extension, AdBlock Premium, and AdBlock VPN pages for how to get started. And if you have any questions about what AdBlock can do for you, our support team is always happy to help at help@getadblock.com.

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at https://help.getadblock.com.