Which AdBlock Product is Right for You?

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2024


While AdBlock is known for our ability to block ads as you browse the web, we offer more than one way to achieve a better internet experience. There’s our free ad blocking extension, our collection of additional features called AdBlock Premium, and our very own AdBlock VPN. Take this short quiz to see which one’s right for you!

1. What’s the worst part about browsing the web?
a. Intrusive ads. I’m tired of companies trying to sell me things ALL THE TIME.
b. Every kind of pop-up. Ads aren’t the only thing that bug me. I can’t stand things like cookie pop-ups, floating videos, and anything else that distracts me.
c. Tracking. Privacy is so important to me. If I could, I would browse the web anonymously.

2. Which of the following is true about you?
a. I like to take a “set it and forget it” approach to software. Out of the box usually works for me!
b. I like to customize where I can. I love things like themes and custom settings.
c. I often browse the web on public Wi-Fi. I love staying connected to the web when I’m out and about!

3. If you could wave a magic wand over your web experience, you would:
a. I don’t need a magic wand — just my free ad blocker. All I need is to block ads!
b. Make all the distractions disappear so I can focus on what matters to me.
c. Get rid of hackers and anything that can compromise my personal data.

4. What word appeals to you the most?
a. Fast
b. Focus
c. Privacy

5. Which of the below features is the most exciting to you?
a. Supporting content creators. I want to help the publishers and creators that I love thrive.
b. Blocking cookie banners. I’m tired of constantly being asked to accept cookies on websites.
c. Hiding my online identity. I want to browse the web and keep my personal information safer and more private.

Your Results

Mostly As — free AdBlock extension

If you’ve chosen mostly As, then all you need is our free ad blocker, AdBlock. With AdBlock, you can block pop-ups and annoying ads as soon as you install the extension. There’s no need to configure any settings. It’s as easy as setting it and forgetting it! You can also use the AdBlock extension to block trackers, block YouTube ads, reduce your chances of encountering malware, and support the content creators you love with our allowlist feature.

Mostly Bs — AdBlock Premium

AdBlock Premium is our collection of premium features that give you more control over your browsing experience. In addition to doing everything the free extension can do, you can enjoy the ability to block even more pop-ups. Say goodbye to floating videos, cookie banners, newsletter pop-ups, survey requests, and more. To subscribe to AdBlock Premium, all you need to do is install AdBlock and upgrade to Premium.

Mostly Cs — AdBlock VPN

With mostly Cs as your answer, it’s likely you care a great deal about online privacy. Thankfully, AdBlock VPN is an excellent tool to add to your privacy toolkit. The term “VPN” is an acronym that stands for Virtual Private Network. Connecting to a VPN routes your internet traffic through a private tunnel and encrypts your data. When AdBlock VPN is on, anyone who happens to be snooping around your network will be able to see a lot less of what you’re up to (even if they’re in charge of the network you’re connected to). That’s because instead of connecting directly to a website’s servers, you’re routing your traffic through AdBlock VPN’s servers, which hide information about you that is otherwise visible. With AdBlock VPN, you can enjoy anonymous browsing, safer connections to public Wi-Fi, and access to unblocked content based on location.

Do all of the features we mention appeal to you? Then you just might want to bundle AdBlock Premium and VPN! When you use both products, you can enjoy fewer distractions and a more private web. To get started, simply visit our AdBlock Premium enrollment page and choose the Premium + VPN bundle. And if you have any questions, feel welcome to reach out to our support team at help@getadblock.com.

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at https://help.getadblock.com.