Why Should I Use a Chrome Ad Blocker?

AdBlock’s Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Dear AdBlock,

Why should I use a Chrome ad blocker? I’ve heard friends talk about never browsing the web without one, but I don’t understand why. I mean — blocking ads sounds great. But is that all an ad blocker does?


Wondering Wanda

Hi Wanda,

Simply put, an ad blocker for Chrome makes your browsing experience better. And that’s why you should use one. We know you’re probably wondering how it does that, so let’s dive in!

A Chrome Ad Blocker Can Block More than Ads

When you use AdBlock, you can block pop-ups and other intrusive ads immediately. It’s so easy that you only have to install our extension and that’s it! You can set AdBlock and forget about it.

But to get the most out of AdBlock for Chrome, we suggest blocking some third-party tracking. Ad trackers can be invasive as advertisers use them to collect information about you. This includes things like your age, location, hobbies and interests, browsing history, and purchase history. This information is then used to show you personalized ads with the hope that you’ll be more likely to make a purchase.

With the EasyPrivacy filter list, you can prevent ads from tracking your online activities by blocking the trackers advertisers use to know what sites you visit. If you’d like to learn more about subscribing to this filter list, you can find the instructions here. (Please note that using this filter list may cause issues on sites that rely on third-party trackers, like many banking sites do. You can typically work around that by adding sites to your allowlist, though this will unblock ads on those sites, too.)

Additionally, if you subscribe to AdBlock Premium, you can enjoy enhanced pop-up blocking. That’s because with Premium, you can block additional distractions like floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, survey requests, and allow-site notifications. This allows you to focus on the content you want to, and not the content you don’t.

A Chrome Ad Blocker Can Reduce Malicious Ads

Malicious ads are those infected with malware — software that sneaks onto your computer in order to steal data and/or damage your device. There are many different types of malware, including viruses and spyware. Some ads contain malware, infecting your device if you click on them.

While AdBlock doesn’t specifically block malware, it does reduce the number of ads that appear in your browser. This makes it less likely you’ll click on an infected one. AdBlock also blocks ads that trick people into installing malware disguised as genuine apps, which can steal passwords and install ransomware. And it can act as an alert system to the potential for adware on your computer. If you’re inundated with pop-ups and AdBlock is turned on, it’s a good idea to check your computer for malware.

A Chrome Ad Blocker Can Contribute to a Balanced Web

With AdBlock for Chrome, you can participate in a healthy internet ecosystem that provides a balanced experience for users, publishers, and advertisers. That’s because you have the ability to support content creators you love through ad revenue. All you have to do is allow ads on the specific site or YouTube channel that you want to support. Of course, the control is in your hands! And you can just as easily remove a site if you no longer want to see ads there. For instructions on adding to your allowlist, click here.

A Chrome ad blocker gives you more control over your internet experience, Wondering Wanda. We think that’s why you should use one! AdBlock blocks pop-ups, annoying ads, trackers, and reduces your chances of clicking on malicious advertising. Plus, it contributes to a healthy web by giving users the ability to support content creators.

If you’d like to give AdBlock for Chrome a try, head to getadblock.com from your Chrome browser. You can also check out our Help Center or reach out to us at help@getadblock.com if you have any questions.

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AdBlock is the #1 extension for Chrome, and is also on Safari, Edge, Firefox & mobile. Block ads and more! Get help any time at https://help.getadblock.com.